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Giles Rogers
Giles Rogers

How to use PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED for Microchip PIC MCUs

How to use PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED for Microchip PIC MCUs

PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED is a powerful and feature-rich integrated development environment (IDE) for Microchip PIC microcontrollers. It provides an intelligent code optimizing C compiler that frees developers to focus on design functionality instead of MCU architecture details. It also offers a suite of tools and built-in functions that make programming easier and faster.


In this article, we will show you how to use PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED to create, compile, debug and program a simple LED blinking project for a PIC16F877A device. We will also explain some of the features and advantages of this IDE compiler.

Step 1: Install PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED

To install PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED, you need to download it from the official website[^1^] or from a trusted source[^3^]. You can choose between a download version or a CD-ROM version. The download version requires an internet connection and a valid license key to activate the software. The CD-ROM version includes a license key and does not require an internet connection.

After downloading or inserting the CD-ROM, run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen. You can choose the default installation settings or customize them according to your preferences. The installation process may take a few minutes depending on your system configuration.

Step 2: Create a new project

After installing PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED, launch the software and click on File > New > Project Wizard. A dialog box will appear where you can select the device type, device model, clock frequency, compiler options and project name. For this example, we will use the following settings:

  • Device Type: 8-bit PIC Â MCU

  • Device Model: PIC16F877A

  • Clock Frequency: 20 MHz

  • Compiler Options: Default

  • Project Name: LED_Blink

Click on Finish to create the project. A new window will open with an empty main.c file where you can write your code.

Step 3: Write the code

PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED provides a C-Aware IDE that helps you write code faster and easier. It has features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, code folding, code navigation, code templates, code snippets, code beautifier and more. It also has built-in functions for common tasks such as SPI, ADC, I2C, timers, PWM and more.

For this example, we will write a simple code that blinks an LED connected to pin RB0 of the PIC16F877A device. The code is as follows:


#include //include device header file

#fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,NOLVP //set fuses

#use delay(clock=20M) //set clock frequency

void main() //main function

set_tris_b(0x00); //set port B as output

while(1) //infinite loop

output_high(PIN_B0); //turn on LED

delay_ms(500); //wait for 500 ms

output_low(PIN_B0); //turn off LED

delay_ms(500); //wait for 500 ms


Step 4: Compile and debug the code

PIC C Compiler CCS PCWHD V4.114 ED has a powerful compiler that optimizes your code for speed and size. It also has a debugger that allows you to test your code in real-time while running on the PIC device. You can use features such as breakpoints, watch variables, data graphing, data streaming, serial input/output monitor and more.

To compile and debug your code, you need to connect your PIC device to your PC using an ICD (in-circuit debugger) such as ICD-U64 e0e6b7cb5c

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